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案例分享 | 以色列餐厅

以色列设计事务所Baranowitz & Goldberg为知名主厨Yuval Ben-Neriah打造了一间名叫“a”的新餐厅。该餐厅位于特拉维夫Azrieli-Sarona大厦二层。

Baranowitz & Goldberg, an Israeli design firm, created a new restaurant called "a" for Yuval Ben Neriah, a well-known chef. The restaurant is located on the second floor of azrieli Sarona building in Tel Aviv.


A complete sea green oxidation panel shows rich texture, balances the contrast between cold and heat, spicy and sweet, salty and sour, and responds to the restaurant dishes themselves.


Copper elements and wooden dining chairs make the color of the space more vivid. The inorganic quartz ground introduces a trace of green, which reminds people of the material characteristics of European buildings and pays tribute to the local traditions of Israel.

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The vertical wall is the main architectural feature of the restaurant and plays the role of defining and shaping the main dining area: it separates the kitchen from the restaurant and extends along the main hall, providing a solid base for the arch structure dominating the whole space.


The base of the semi arched structure is covered with a blue-green copper finish, which expresses the passage of time in an elegant way. A long and narrow window extends above the base to show the busy activities and creative cooking scenes in the kitchen outside the wall.


The west side of the space is completely enclosed by glass, so that a large amount of natural light can flow into and illuminate the whole space at dusk. At night, the transparent facade introduces the charming urban scenery of Tel Aviv, establishing a strong connection between guests and the city, indoor and outdoor.


At the end of the restaurant is the wine rack wall made of brushed aluminum. As the background of the central bar, it leads the whole space to a climax. The seating in the dining area is given a variety of forms, including a slender bar in the center of the space.


The dining table is made of aluminum plates in two different colors, which echoes the copper elements in other parts of the restaurant. The restaurant also has a private dining room with a super large party table, which can accommodate up to 20 guests.

